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Caregivers & Families
Caregivers & Families
Training Evaluation
Your comments can help us improve our training program. Please read each of the following statements and choose the number that matches your opinion. Please fill the second evaluation part of trainers, only if, there were two trainers. We hope you will add some comments in the spaces provided, and at the end of this form.
The following statements are about the content of the training.
1. The goals of the training program were clear to me.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
2. The topics presented in each of the sessions were important.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
3. The information discussed was easy to understand.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
4. The information discussed will be useful to me.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
5. The materials provided helped me learn.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
Comments on training content (please provide specific feedback on the content that was most/least helpful):
The following statements are about the organization and "atmosphere" of the training.
1. There was enough opportunity to get involved in large and small group discussions.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
2. Participants' questions were answered.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
3. It was easy to share ideas, opinions, and feelings.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
4. The training facility (location, room, and seating) was comfortable for learning.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
Comments on training atmosphere:
The following questions are about the trainers.
1. Was knowledgeable about the subjects.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
2. Treated all participants with respect.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
3. Managed the training well (starting and ending on time, handling, disruptions, etc.)
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
4. Was pleasant to have as a trainer.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
The following questions are about your overall training experiences.
1. This training program has helped me strengthen my knowledge and skills.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
2. This training program met my expectations.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
3. This training program helped me feel proud about my role with the agency as an essential and effective member of a professional team.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
4. Overall, this training was excellent.
1 Strongly Disagree - 5 Strongly Agree
Comments on overall training:
Are you planning to provide supervision after completion of this training?
Supervision topics that would be helpful in the future:
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